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Workshop: Tummeling towards a more humane Web

Posted: September 26th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Events | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

Hey UXers! Check out this fun workshop coming up at UW’s Stratford campus.


How can the digital world be more emotionally resonant and human? Now that a large amount of web activity takes place in real-time social environments between people directly instead of graphic interfaces, we’re bringing together some of the best people who know how to do this in live performance: actors, directors, dancers, casting agents etc. We’ll investigate how they work to create conditions for great emotional engagement and mix them in conversation with innovative thinkers and makers from the digital world.

Heather Gold, solo performer, social artist, web veteran and co-founder of has mixed web and performance approaches for over 10 years exploring public intimacy. She’s now extending her inquiry to the broader community and will “tummel” the workshop, bringing together to come up with our collective insights in this landmark gathering to discover direction for the next stage of social web and business and possibly even performance.

[youtube_sc url=]